

Disassembly Sequence Planning Based on Interpretative Structural Model

  • 摘要: 为了快速准确地对复杂产品层次结构进行划分以实现拆卸序列规划,将解释结构模型(ISM)引入到对复杂产品的描述中,提出一种产品零部件拆卸序列规划方法.在对复杂产品零部件连接关系提取与表达、产品零部件连接关系邻接矩阵和有向图进行分析的基础上,构建了基于ISM的产品零部件连接关系模型;通过计算ISM连接关系可达矩阵建立了其有向图,并给出一种产品零部件结构深度的计算及拆卸序列规划方法.最后以确定洗碗机产品门体的拆卸序列规划和目标件的结构深度为例,对文中方法进行了验证,结果表明,该方法能够在短时间内确定复杂产品的结构层次,进而实现其拆卸序列的规划.


    Abstract: To realize disassembly sequence planning with quick and accurate determination of complicated product's hierarchy,interpretative structural model(ISM) is introduced into the description of complicated products,and a method of product disassembly sequence planning is put forward.With the analysis of component connection extraction and expression,component connection adjacency matrix and directed graph,product's component connection model is established on the basis of ISM.By calculating ISM connection reachability matrix,its directed graph is established and a product component structure depth's calculation and disassembly sequence planning method is given.Finally,the proposed method is illustrated and verified with an example of the door of dish-washing machine.The proposed planning method is effective in defining complicated product's structure hierarchy quickly,thus,the disassembly sequence can be generated.


