

EUDTPFA: a Pen-Based Form Application Development Tool for End-User

  • 摘要: 由于传统的电子表单开发工具操作复杂、交互不自然以及难以适应用户需求变更,使得笔式表单应用的开发只能由专业人员来完成,为此提出一个面向终端用户的笔式表单应用开发工具——EUDTPFA.首先研究了该工具的体系结构,然后讨论了所涉及的Ink数据模型、表单界面模型、业务规则模型、交互模型、场景模型和映射模型,最后用实例描述了使用该工具开发表单应用的过程.实践证明,该工具为终端用户开发笔式表单应用提供了有效的支持.


    Abstract: Traditional electronic form development tools typically have complex operations,unnatural interaction,and are difficulty to adapt to the users' need changes.This makes the development of pen-based form applications only amenable by professional developers.This paper proposes an end-user development tool for pen-based form application,called EUDTPFA.We present the system architecture,and the models of the ink data,the form interface,the business rule,the interaction,the scene and the mapping.We illustrate the developing process of the form application with an example.Experimental results demonstrate that the tool can effectively help the end-users develop the pen-based form applications.


