

Large-leaf-plant Modeling with Normal Direction Clustering

  • 摘要: 根据大叶片植物自身的特性,提出一种从3D点云中重建大叶片植物的方法,主要包括点云聚类和叶片重建两部分.首先根据叶片3D点之间的距离对叶片的3D点云进行初始聚类;然后依据叶子大而平、不同叶片法线方向相差较大的特性,通过计算点的法线将3D点云细分为多个聚类,每个聚类表示一片叶子;最后利用一个通用叶子模型将每个聚类拟合成叶子.实验结果表明,该方法可以重建真实感很强的大叶片植物.


    Abstract: A new method of modeling plants with large leaves from 3D point clouds is presented.The algorithm consists of two parts:points clustering and leaf reconstruction.Firstly,the points are clustered by computing distances between them.Secondly,based on the characteristics of leaves,whose point clouds are approximately on a plane,the points are clustered.And last a leaf is modeled by fitting the clustered point clouds to a leaf model.The experiment results show that the algorithm is stable,and the proposed method can be used to reconstruct the plants with large leaves.


