

Visualization Study in Science Education

  • 摘要: 可视化作为一种高效的教育教学手段,在教育领域,特别是在科学教育领域得到了广泛的应用.基于对已有文献的总结,文中阐述了教育可视化的概念、相关理论及实证研究,并对科学教育可视化的应用提出了相应的建议;分别以静态和动态可视化的分类为线索,归纳总结了科学教育可视化的方法特征.最终得出结论:对于科学教育可视化的设计,必须注意并确保可视化对象和内容与特定的环境和教学目标相适应,特别是要尽可能地适合每一位学生,科学教育可视化的效果是否显著,依赖于学生的知识背景、视觉感知和理解能力.


    Abstract: As an efficient means of education and teaching, visualization has been widely used especially in the field of science education. Based on the summary of existing literature, this paper expounds the concept of education visualization, relevant theory and empirical research, and puts forward the corresponding suggestions on the use of science education visualization. Using the classification of the static and dynamic visualization as links to generalize and summarize the characteristics of the scientific education visualization. In brief, visual design of the science education must ensure that visual object and content adapt to each specific environment and teaching target, especially suitable for every student. The application of the science education visualization relies on the students' background knowledge, visual perception and comprehension ability.


