

B-spline Based Functionally Graded Teeth Modeling

  • 摘要: 为实现功能梯度材料义齿模型几何信息的精确表示和材料信息的复杂分布, 提出了基于B样条的功能梯度义齿建模技术.该技术通过对牙齿三维实体模型离散化处理将牙齿实体离散为点云切片模型, 采用多个梯度源和相应的材料分布方程计算各切片上点的材料信息, 并应用B样条张量积构造B样条实体表述义齿几何信息和材料信息.该方法结合解析法和离散法的特点实现义齿模型几何信息的精确表示和材料信息的复杂分布, 提高了解析法表述材料信息的能力和离散法表示几何信息的精度, 提供了一种可构建具有良好力学特性和生物相容性义齿的方法.最后通过实例分析验证了文中方法的可行性.


    Abstract: A B-spline based functionally graded teeth modeling method is proposed in this paper.By discretizing CAD teeth model or scanning teeth object with CT, points cloud in slice model of the teeth is obtained.Multiple graded sources and corresponding material functions are introduced to control geometry information and material distribution in solid model constructed by B-spline tension product interpolation.This approach compounds the advantages of analysis and discretization methods, thus it is capable of representing geometry information precisely and complicated material distribution, which solves the problems caused by using analysis or discretization method separately and provides an approach to model functionally graded material (FGM) teeth with both bio-mechanic property and bio-compatibility.At last, an example of teeth modeling with the proposed method is illustrated to validate its feasibility.


