

An Upright Orientation Detection Algorithm for 3D Man-Made Objects Based on Shape Properties

  • 摘要: 仅从三维模型的几何信息推测模型正朝向是一项具有挑战性的工作.文中针对三维人造物体模型,提出了一种全自动的正朝向识别算法.首先分析模型本身面片朝向、模型对称性及模型三维凸包的面片朝向,找出若干组朝向三元组,使得组内3个朝向两两正交;然后将每组朝向三元组构成的标架旋转到标准坐标系,通过对模型面片的法向和面积进行统计,投票筛选出唯一标架,使得模型能够与标准坐标系对齐;最后基于静力学平衡原理、模型可见性等准则,从标准坐标系的6个候选朝向中选取正确的正朝向.在一个三维模型数据库上进行实验的结果显示,该算法可以很好地处理绝大部分模型,包括目前最好的非监督方法不能处理的模型.


    Abstract: To handle the challenging problem for inferring the upright orientation of 3D models only from geometry,we propose an automatic upright orientation detection algorithm for man-made objects in this paper.The proposed method takes advantages of the orientation clues from the shape properties,such as the facet orientation,symmetry and 3D convex hull facet orientation.We first use these clues to extract candidate orientations and get those orientation triplets that the orientations are pairwise orthogonal to form a frame.Next,we rotate the frame to the canonical coordinate and select the best one that aligns the model with canonical coordinate using model facet normal and area.Finally,we use various criterions on static stability and visibility to choose the correct upright orientation from the six axis-aligned candidates of canonical coordinate orientation.We have tested the proposed method on a 3D model database,and the results show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.


