

3D Reconstruction of Aircraft Carrier Surface Support Operations Driven by Multi-Source Video Data

  • 摘要: 针对现有公开的航母舰面保障作业视频数据碎片化、相机角度多变、像素质量低下等问题,提出一种多源视频数据驱动的舰面保障作业三维重建方法.该方法首先对视频中对象轨迹方向进行预测,并采用联合外观和方向相似度的跟踪方法实现视频数据的多目标轨迹跟踪;然后基于跟踪结果,依次采用相似度关联、特征轨迹分割、轨迹聚类提取多源数据中的保障作业对象并进行关联与融合;最后对融合得到的轨迹进行逼真三维重建.在MOT20数据集和舰面保障作业公开视频数据上,实验和用户调研数据的t检验结果表明,采用所提方法有99.5%的把握得到可信的舰面保障作业三维重建效果.


    Abstract: Focusing on the problems of fragmented video data, variable camera angles and low pixel quality of the existing public aircraft carrier surface support operations, we propose a multi-source video data-driven 3D reconstruction method for ship surface support operations. Firstly, we predict the trajectory direction of the objects in the videos. Then we use the methods of similarity correlation, feature trajectory segmentation,and trajectory clustering to extract/correlate/fuse features in multi-source data. Finally, we integrate the above and realize a realistic three-dimensional reconstruction. The results of experiments and user study on the MOT20 dataset and the public video data of ship surface support operations show that the proposed method can obtain credible 3D reconstruction effects of ship surface support operations.


