

An Open Framework of 3D CAD Kernel for Multi-Role Development

  • 摘要: 三维CAD内核支撑大型工业软件的开发与应用,开放的三维CAD内核架构便于更多角色参与到CAD内核优化、系统开发以及深层次应用中.围绕三维CAD内核开放架构,文中在剖析主流三维CAD内核的基础上,提出了一种支持多角色协同参与研发的CAD内核开放架构,包括几何表示、拓扑表示、离散化、可视化等模块;讨论了开放架构的主要功能模块设计、功能模块间互操作以及基于内核的CAD应用快速开发等关键问题;通过基于开放架构扩展开发管线CAD桌面应用,对开放架构的可用性进行了验证.


    Abstract: The 3D CAD kernel supports the development and application of large industrial software, and the open framework of 3D CAD kernel supports more roles to participate in CAD kernel development, optimization, and usage. Based on the analysis of mainstream 3D CAD kernels, we propose an open CAD kernel framework that supports multi-role collaborative development, including modules such as geometric representation, topological representation, discretization, and visualization. Key issues of the open framework, such as the object-oriented extension method of CAD main modules, the interoperability between modules and the customized development of applications based on CAD kernel, are discussed; The feasibility of the framework is verified by a customized pipeline-CAD application which is developed by extension of several modules of the framework.


