

A Method for Converting B-Rep to CSG in Ship CAD System

  • 摘要: 模型数据表示是CAD几何引擎的基础, 边界表示(B-Rep)和构造实体几何(CSG)表示是常用的两种模型数据表示方法, 随着混合建模的发展, B-Rep和CSG混合建模开始应用于船舶等模型量大的场景, 其中B-Rep与CSG实体的互相转换是一个关键性功能。针对类型多样的基本实体的B-Rep转CSG问题, 本文设计了解析B-Rep几何结构并根据拓扑结构组合为CSG实体的转换流程。针对复杂实体的B-Rep转CSG问题, 根据凹凸性将实体划分为不同类型的区域, 将区域的边界作为切割环, 据此提出了切割环识别算法。基于切割环识别, 本文设计了二叉分解树进行实体分解和CSG树生成流程。实验结果表明, 本文提出的方法可以在较低的误差范围内完成B-Rep实体向CSG实体的转换, 并已支撑船舶产品设计系统(SPD)的部件小样建模平台的模型轻量化功能。


    Abstract: Data representation is the foundation of geometry modeling engine. The Boundary Representation (B-Rep) and Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) representations are two commonly used model data representation methods. With the development of hybrid modeling, B-Rep and CSG hybrid modeling have been applied to large-scale models such as ships and the conversion between B-Rep and CSG is a key function. For the B-Rep to CSG conversion of primitives, a process was designed to parse the geometry structures in a B-Rep entity and combine them into a CSG primitive based on the topological structures. For conversion of complex entities, faces in a B-Rep entity are divided into different regions based on its convexity, and the boundary of each region is a cutting loop. Then a cutting loop recognition algorithm is proposed. Based on the cutting loop recognition results, a binary decomposition tree is designed for entity decomposition and CSG tree generation process. Experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve B-Rep to CSG conversion within a low error range, and has supported the model light-weighting function of the component sample modeling platform of the Ship Product Design System (SPD).


