

3D Model Classification Based on Neural Architecture Search

  • 摘要: 针对可微架构搜索方法存在的离散化误差、更新不平衡、跳跃连接富集等问题,提出一种基于资源平衡的网络架构搜索方法.首先,通过资源平衡型渐进式剪枝法裁剪对性能提升贡献较小的弱操作;其次,为使架构搜索过程中各操作具有单独的权重,能够体现出每个操作对超网性能的贡献,将架构搜索过程中各操作算子之间的竞争关系改为先合作、后竞争的关系;最后,对候选操作添加高斯噪声以抑制跳跃连接的不公平竞争优势.在三维点云数据集ModelNet和二维图像数据集CIFAR-10进行了实验,结果表明所提方法能有效地减小离散化误差,防止跳跃连接富集导致的性能坍塌;与SGAS,NoisyDARTS和人工设计的网络架构相比,所提方法能高效地搜索出帕累托最优网络架构,在三维点云模型分类过程中具有较高的分类准确率.


    Abstract: Differentiable architecture search algorithms are largely suffering from the well-known performance of discretization discrepancy,imbalances-update and aggregation of skip-connections.To weaken this impact,a novel approach named resource balance neural architecture search(RBNAS)is proposed.Firstly,the weak operators that contribute less to performance are gradually cut out by the resource-balanced method.Secondly,to make each operation have its own weight in the search process and contribute to the supernet,the relationship between the operations is changed to cooperation before competition.Finally,Gaussian noise is added into candidate operations to minimize the unfair competition of skip-connections.ModelNet and CIFAR-10 datasets are used to carry out a series of experiments,the results show that the algorithm can minimize discretization discrepancy and avoiding collapse caused by skip-connections.Compared with SGAS,NoisyDARTS,and manually designed network architectures,RBNAS can find a series of Pareto-optimal architectures efficiently and achieve a good performance in point cloud classification.


