A Mesh-Based Approach for RBF-Based Planar Shape Deformation
摘要: 平面形状变形在计算机图形学相关领域有着广泛的应用.传统的基于网格法的变形能够灵活地控制形变误差,但其分段线性的特点使其不够光滑;而基于无网格法虽然具有天然光滑的特点,但较少考虑形变误差的控制,或虽有考虑但其计算较为复杂、耗时.基于上述2类方法的优势,提出一种结合网格法的径向基函数(radial basis functions,RBF)平面形状变形方法.该方法在平面形状域上构造三角网格结构,用光滑基函数表示变形函数并构建带局部防翻转约束的形变优化方程,为高效求解,借助网格结构计算径向基函数的测地距离场并采用分段线性逼近思想近似形变能量的数值积分,使其计算框架遵循传统网格域方法.大量的平面变形比较实验表明,该方法的变形结果相比于传统的网格法更为光滑、自然,具有更小的纹理扭曲与形变误差,能够适用于大尺度变形;相比于传统无网格法,不仅能获得相似的变形效果,而且计算效率有显著提升,同时该方法可控性强、简单且易于扩展.Abstract: Planar shape deformation has wide applications in computer graphics.Traditional mesh-based methods can flexibly control the distortions of the deformation while has the weakness of non-smoothness due to its piecewise-linear nature.And the mesh-free methods have the feature of smoothness,but most of them are lack of distortion control.Though a few take distortions into consideration,the computation is complicated and time-consuming.To this end,we combine the advantages of both the two kinds of methods and propose a radial basis functions(RBF)-based planar shape deformation combining with mesh-based method.It constructs triangle-mesh structure for the rest shape domain and uses RBF to represent the deformation,and then builds the optimization equations for the deformation with locally injective constraints.To solve the problem efficiently,it borrows the computational framework of the mesh-based methods,which calculates geodesic fields for the radial basis functions and linearly approximates the numerical calculus of deformation energy by using the mesh structure.A large number of comparative experiments show that our deformation results are more smooth,natural and with lower distortions than the traditional mesh-based methods,and it is also more efficient than traditional mesh-free methods with comparative results.Meanwhile,the method has the feature of controllable,simple and extendable.