A Mesh Optimization Algorithm for CAD Models
摘要: 针对工业产品设计过程中的一个实际问题——如何高质量地将连续的CAD模型转换为离散的三角网格模型,提出一种基于Creo二次开发平台与几何特征保持的CAD模型的三角网格优化算法.首先基于Creo的二次开发平台构建CAD模型的特征点集;然后通过逐面网格化构建每个面的网格模型,通过网格模型逼近得到一个初始三角网格模型;最后结合CAD模型的几何特点改进RAR网格优化算法局部算子的适用性条件,使用改进算法对初始三角网格模型进行网格优化.将算法集成于Creo 2.0软件中,以3个工业零件的CAD模型为数据开展实验,结果表明,该算法构建的初始网格模型与原始几何模型逼近程度好,优化的网格模型具有较好的性能参数.Abstract: Converting a continuous CAD model into a high quality discrete triangular mesh is a practical problem in industrial product design process. For this problem, a triangular mesh optimization for CAD model based on the Creo secondary development platform and geometric feature-preserving is proposed. Based on the secondary development platform of Creo, the feature point set of a CAD model was first constructed, and then a triangular mesh of the CAD model was constructed surface by surface based on the feature point set. The initial mesh was obtained after triangular mesh approximation. At last, combined with the geometric features of CAD model, the applicability conditions for local operator of RAR mesh optimization algorithm were improved, and an optimized triangular mesh was obtained using the improved algorithm. The proposed algorithm was integrated into Creo 2.0 software. The CAD model of three industrial parts was used as experimental data. The experimental results showed that the initial mesh model approaches accurately with the original geometric model, and the optimized mesh has better performance parameters.