

Multi-representation Trajectory Clustering Method in Visualization of Road Traffic Trend

  • 摘要: 车辆轨迹数据中蕴含城市交通和移动对象行为的宏观信息,从中可以挖掘出有价值的城市交通趋势和车辆行为模式等信息,分析轨迹数据对于指导智能交通管理有重大意义.针对车辆轨迹数据的无序性和现行方法缺少对于轨迹整体趋势有较为精确地描述的问题,提出一种基于密度的轨迹聚类方法.首先按照角度阈值与长度限制划分轨迹,然后通过新的对称距离函数衡量轨迹段之间的相似度,最后对于聚类结果生成相应的多代表性轨迹.对3个轨迹数据集的实验结果表明,该方法生成的多代表性轨迹能较好地描述聚类整体趋势,为交通运输管理系统提供参考.


    Abstract: The vehicle trajectory data contains macroscopic information about the behavior of urban traffic and moving objects, from which valuable city traffic trends and vehicle behavior patterns and other informa- tion can be discovered. Analyzing trajectory data is important for traffic management. In response to the ir- regular vehicle trajectory data and the lack of an accurate description of group behaviors, this paper proposes a density-based trajectory clustering method. Our method partitions the trajectory data into segments ac- cording to angle and distance. The similarity of segments is measured with a new trajectory distance function. Representative trajectories are generated for the clustering results. Our experimental results based on three trajectory datasets demonstrate that the representative trajectories generated from our proposed method pro- vide a better description for the overall trend of traffics, which could better serve the traffic management.


