

Computing Medial Axis Transformations of the Geometric Model

  • 摘要: 中轴作为描述几何对象的一个有效工具最初由Blum提出,并被作为一个形状识别工具应用于图像领域.随后它被推广到高维的几何模型,并被广泛应用于图形识别、模型检索、模型分割、模型变形、机器人路径规划等领域.经过最近20多年的发展,已经有许多高效实用的模型中轴提取方法.文中工作对中轴提取方法进行了较为全面的归纳总结,并对未来的工作提出进一步需要解决的问题.


    Abstract: The concept of medial axis was firstly put forward by Blum as an effective tool to describe 2Dshapes in image analysis, and it was subsequently generalized to represent geometric objects in higher dimensions,and applied in a wide range of areas such as shape discrimination, object retrieval, object segmentation,shape deformation and robots path planning, etc. In the last two decades, various methods havebeen proposed to extract medial axis. The purpose of the current paper is to make a comprehensive survey onthe related work, and to point out some future research problems.


