

An Isogeometric Boundary Element Analysis of Two-Dimensional Linear Elasticity Problems

  • 摘要: 引入基于推广B样条的等几何分析方法对二维弹性问题进行边界元分析.首先使用推广B样条表示待分析的问题域,可以精确地表示待求域的圆弧边界;然后使用边界积分方程对边界未知量求解,将求得的位移通过细分方法插值到边界上;最后通过重心坐标法求得域内解,减少计算复杂度,提高了计算的精确度.分片测试及其他实例结果证实了该方法的有效性.


    Abstract: Introducing a kind of isogeometric analysis methods which is based on generalized B-spline toanalyze two-dimensional elasticity problems. First, we use a piece of generalized B-spline curve to modelthe boundary of the problem domain to be analyzed, which can exactly represent boundaries including arcpieces. Then the boundary unknowns are solved through boundary integral equations, and the displacementof an arbitrary point on the boundary is obtained by interpolation based on those solved displacements andthe generalized B-spline subdivision method. In the end, we adopt triangulation and barycentric coordinatesto compute the corresponding values inside the domain, the proposed method greatly reduces the computationalcomplexity and improves the precision of the results. The patch test and other examples prove ourproposed method is effective.


