Motion Control and Walking Simulation of Virtual Human Based on Biomechanics
摘要: 为使虚拟人运动控制产生的运动行为更加接近真实人体运动,构建了一个基于生物力学的虚拟人运动控制系统.该控制系统主要包含3层:高层策略控制层,用于监控环境变化和虚拟人自身状态,并依据给定的控制策略向中间层送出控制信号;中间脊椎反射层,可接收来自高层的控制信号和感知到的虚拟人自身状态及环境信息,并映射为肌肉的激励信号;底层肌肉驱动层,通过引入肌腱模型来产生与真实人体肌肉力特性相同的驱动力.为了提高仿真行走运动的逼真性,在控制参数优化过程中引入步态相似度作为评价标准.在Matlab中的Simulink环境下进行虚拟人行走运动仿真实验的结果表明,文中系统能够自主控制虚拟人平稳行走且运动有很好的逼真性;仿真结果表明,该系统可行性强,且在优化过程中加入步态相似度评价标准获得的控制参数能够产生更为逼真的虚拟人行走运动.Abstract: To make the virtual human's motion more close to real human's motion, a virtual human motion control system is constructed based on biomechanics. The control model is composed of three layers: the top policy control layer is responsible for monitoring the change of the environment and the motion state of the virtual human and sending the control signal to the medium layer according to the given policies; the medium spinal reflex layer can receive instructions from the top layer and the perceived information from the environment and the virtual human, and then it maps all of them to the corresponding muscle excitation signal; the bottom muscle actuated layer adopts the muscle tendon unit(MTU) model to generate the muscle force in accordance with real humans. A new evaluation strategy using gait similarity analysis is integrated to the optimization of control parameters, which makes the walking motion of the virtual human more realistically. The simulation experiments are run in the Simulink environment on Matlab. The results show that the control system is capable of generating stable and realistic walking for virtual humans and furthermore, the integration of gait similarity criterion in the process of optimization improves the realism of the walking motion.