

Seismic Visualization

  • 摘要: 由于发展中国家经济增长的驱动,全球对石油、天然气体的需求在不断地增长,从而需要越来越纯熟的石油勘探技术.探地数据可视化在石油、天然气勘探过程中起着举足轻重的作用.文中主要从可视化的角度对探地数据的解释与展示进行了调研:首先介绍了以二维切片为主的探地数据可视化方法,包括二维切片纹理映射、二维断层可视化;其次讨论了以三维体绘制技术为主的探地数据可视化方法;最后总结了解释性与叙述性可视化,以及基于Sketch的交互式可视化和领域知识辅助的可视化.


    Abstract: The global demand for oil and gas continues to grow due to the driver of economic growth in developing countries, which requiring more skilled oil exploration technologies. Seismic visualization plays an indispensible role in the explorations of oil and gas. This paper surveys the literatures on the illustration of seismic data from the perspective of visualization. First, slice-based seismic visualizations are introduced which consists of slice-based texture mapping and 2-D fault visualization. Second, the 3-D seismic visualizations on the basis of volume rendering are explained. Third, the methods of illustrative visualization, storytelling visualization, sketch-based visualization, and knowledge-assisted visualization are presented.


