

Automatic Indoor Areas Layout for Indoor Scenes Based on Example Database

  • 摘要: 为了在复杂的室内空间中自动生成合理的家具布局,提出基于案例库的室内区域自动布局方法.首先从案例库中抽取先验知识,训练布局预测模型;然后将布局问题的硬约束和布局预测模型相结合,构造能量函数,以描述室内功能区域布局的合理程度;最后在目标空间中通过随机优化的方法对能量函数进行优化求解.实验结果表明,在没有提前设定布局约束的情况下,该方法能在复杂的室内空间中生成较合理的家具布局.


    Abstract: In order to generate reasonable furniture layouts in complicated indoor scenes automatically, we proposed a data-driven method for automatic indoor areas layout calculation. Given examples of sensibly furnished indoor scenes, we first extract layout information as prior, and then train a layout-constraint model. Afterwards, we construct an energy function which describes the reasonableness for indoor functional areas layout by combining the layout-constraint model with hard layout constraints. Finally, the energy function is optimized by stochastic optimization. Experimental results show that our method can generate reasonable furniture layout in complicated indoor space without specifying constraints for layout beforehand.


