

3D Model Sculpturing Technique Based on Drawing Lines

  • 摘要: 基于二维线画图案,提出了一种三维模型表面雕刻方法,实现了简单模型表面复杂线画图案的雕刻.首先对用户输入的二维线画图通过边缘收缩操作提取线条中心线,并将其作为雕刻轮廓线;然后对待雕刻的三维模型进行参数化,将二维雕刻轮廓线离散化并借助参数化映射为三维模型上的离散雕刻线条;再计算模型待雕刻区域上的顶点到三维模型上的离散雕刻线条的距离,对于距离小于特定阈值的雕刻顶点,根据雕刻函数确定顶点平移距离;最后对雕刻顶点沿顶点法向进行平移,得到三维模型的雕刻效果.实验结果表明,该方法能够方便、高效地实现简单三维模型表面的复杂线画图案雕刻效果.


    Abstract: Based on the user input drawing lines, a novel sculpturing technique for 3D models is presented which can generate some complex sculptures. The clean centerlines are firstly extracted from the drawing lines by edge shrinkage operation which will be regarded as the contour lines for 3D sculpturing. Then, the given model will be parameterized by global or local parameterization scheme. The extracted contour lines will be mapped as the discrete sculptural lines on the underlying 3D models. The distances to the discrete sculptural lines are computed for each mesh vertex, and the sculpturing vertices can be selected if their distance to the discrete sculptural lines is less than a given threshold. Finally, the shift distance of these sculpturing vertices can be calculated by a specific crease profile and the 3D sculpturing result can be achieved by moving the sculpturing vertices along their normal direction. Experiment results show that our approach can generate some complex sculpture results on different 3D models in a convenient and efficient manner.


