

Placement Optimization for Generating Bas-reliefs Based on Visual Saliency

  • 摘要: 针对目前给定单幅图像与三维模型生成浅浮雕的算法并不考虑浮雕在三维模型上的位置这一问题,提出一种基于视觉显著性的浅浮雕位置优化算法.该算法从视觉显著性出发,首先计算三维模型的最佳观察视角,并构造有限的视角采样区域,通过定义的基于浅浮雕面积与形变的评价准则;然后优化求解浅浮雕位置参数,得到评价准则下的最优浅浮雕结果.实验结果表明,文中算法对于大部分模型可以自动获得符合视觉显著性的浅浮雕效果.且无需交互,适用于面向三维打印的用户产品定制服务.


    Abstract: Given an image and a 3D shape, the current methods for generating digital bas-reliefs barely considered the optimal position for placing the image along the shape. This paper presents an optimization algorithm for the bas-relief placement based on visual saliency. First, we computed the best viewport of the 3D shape to obtain the limited range for placing the image. Then, we defined the criteria considering the modulated area and deformation of the mesh. Finally, we iteratively optimized the position parameters on the shape to achieve the bas-relief result. Experimental results show that the bas-reliefs generated by our algorithm are of both visual saliency and visual aesthetics. This algorithm is fully automatic and suitable for customizing 3D shapes for 3D printing.


