

Fast Connected Components Labeling by Propagating Labels of Run Sets

  • 摘要: 为了实现对图像的快速连通域标记,提出一种基于传播游程集合标号的二值图像连通域标记算法.该算法仅对每个由一系列相邻行中的连通游程所构成的游程集合(称为向下连通分支)而非游程分配临时标号,利用一个位置映射表一次性建立向下连通分支中所有游程与其共同临时标号之间的位置关联,将所有向下连通分支的标号构成一个规模很小的具有树形结构的等价信息表;再使等价信息直接在部分路径中传播,并通过最后一次标号表扫描将所有临时标号转换为代表标号.实验结果表明,文中算法原理和实现简单,且由于具有处理的等价信息量小、对向下连通分支内的游程标记操作少,以及在连通分支合并时无需计算最小标号等特点,使其速度快于现有算法.


    Abstract: To label connected components in an image fast, this paper presents a very efficient algorithm for labeling connected components in a binary image based on propagating labels of run sets. This algorithm assigns provisional labels only to run sets which are composed of a series of runs connected to each other in adjacent scan rows rather than to each run. This kind of run set is called downward connected branch or DCB for short. A location map table is established at one time to store the location relations between all runs in DCBs, and all label nodes of DCBs are organized in a tree with small size. This enables us to propagate equivalence information in a partial path. Finally, the map table is scanned once to replace all provisional labels with representative labels. The result demonstrates that the speed of the algorithm is faster than existed ones as less equivalence information needs to be processed, fewer operations needs to label runs in DCBs, and the minimum label needs not to be calculated while combining two DCBs. Further more, the algorithm is very simple.


