Fast Disparity Range Estimation and Its Applications
摘要: 视差范围估计在立体匹配中非常重要,准确的视差范围能提高立体匹配的精度和速度.为此提出一种基于匹配代价搜索和图像细分的快速视差范围估计算法.该算法将输入图像均匀分成多个图像块,采用匹配代价搜索计算每一图像块的视差,找到视差最大(最小)的图像块,并利用迭代细分规则将该图像块继续分成更小的子块,直至得到稳定的最大(最小)视差;利用匹配代价图对图像块进行可靠性检测,以解决弱纹理块容易误匹配的问题.实验结果表明,文中算法在保持97.3%的平均命中率的同时将立体匹配的平均搜索空间降低了27.7%,比采用传统算法可以得到更准确的视差范围;将该算法应用于立体匹配算法中降低了其平均误匹配率,并将计算时间缩短了20%~45%.Abstract: Disparity range estimation is very important in stereo matching. An appropriate disparity range can increase the precision and speed of stereo matching. This paper proposes a fast disparity range estimation method based on matching-cost search and image subdivision. It evenly divides input images into several sub-blocks, and searches using matching cost to find out which sub-block is having the maximum/minimum disparity. After that, the maximum/minimum sub-block is recursively divided into smaller sub-blocks, until all current sub-blocks have the same disparity. To deal with image blocks with week textures, detecting their disparity reliabilities is applied via matching-cost diagram. Experimental results show that our method can achieve 27.7% reduction rate of search space while preserving 93.7% hit rate on average. Compared to traditional methods, it can get a more accurate disparity range. Moreover, the gained disparity range reduces the running time of stereo matching by 20%-45% while decreasing the average false-match rate.