Evaluating Diminishing Marginal Utility in Visual Perception
摘要: 摘 要: 边际效应递减法则是经济学基本理论, 管理、环境、教育等很多领域都实证了该法则的存在性. 文中通过实验验证视觉感知中是否存在边际效应递减现象. 首先, 选取随机生成的散点图作为实验数据, 选取散点图相关性作为感知对象, 招募了参与者并设计了实验流程; 然后让参与者根据视觉感知来估计散点图相关系数大小, 并记录参与者在多次测试中的感知偏差和完成时间等量化指标; 最后用基数效应理论计算了散点图相关性视觉感知偏差的总效应曲线和边际效应曲线, 并选取边际效应作为评价指标. 实验结果表明, 参与者在实验中出现了边际效应递减现象, 即随着测试次数增加, 参与者相关性视觉感知偏差的减小幅度呈现降低趋势; 同时, 实验结果还反映参与者容易低估相关性, 有可视化专业知识的参与者和其他参与者在感知偏差和完成时间上不存在显著性差异.Abstract: Abstract: The law of diminishing marginal utility is one of fundamental theorems of economics. It reveals a phenomenon that the marginal utility tends to diminish when people continually consume one same commodity. The law has been confirmed to exist in varied fields, while no previous research has investigated its existence in visual perception. In this study, we conduct a controlled experiment to investigate the existence of diminishing marginal utility in visual perception. We recruit participants to estimate the correlations of a set of scatterplots by visual perception. We record the perception bias and completion time of each trial, and then apply the cardinal utility theory to quantitatively analyze the marginal utility occurred in the experiment. The results confirm that the law of diminishing marginal utility exists in the correlation perception of scatterplots; the participants tend to underestimate scatterplot correlation; no significant difference exists between the participants majored in visualization and other professional backgrounds in terms of perception bias and completion time.