

Architecture Design and Application of Cloud PLC System Based on 5G and Multi-access Edge Computing

  • 摘要:   随着工业控制系统对柔性化、扁平化的要求不断提升, 以PLC为构建基础的传统工业控制网络在大规模接入、算力提升和部署灵活性方面均受到限制. 针对这些问题, 融合5G网络和边缘计算技术, 设计了基于5G多接入边缘计算的云化PLC系统架构, 阐述了该架构的运行机制和所涉及的关键技术; 在此基础上, 进行PLC系统的云化部署和调试, 实现了工业现场、企业数据中心、5G网络和边缘网络的集成; 最后, 通过在某汽车制造公司产线改造过程中的应用, 验证了所提架构的有效性.


    Abstract: With the continuous improvement of the requirements for flexibility and flattening of industrial control systems, the traditional industrial control network based on PLC is limited in the aspects of large-scale access, computing power enhancement and deployment flexibility. To address these problems, a cloud PCL system architecture based on 5G and multi-access edge computing was designed by integrating 5G network and edge computing technology, and the operating mechanism and key technologies involved were expounded. This architecture can make full use of the fast and stable data transmission capabilities of 5G networks and data processing capabilities of edge technologies to improve the security of data storage and transmission; On this basis, the cloud deployment and debugging of PLC systems can be realized, and thus the integration of enterprise data centers, 5G networks and edge networks is achieved; Finally, the validity of the proposed architecture is verified through the application in the production line upgrade project of an automobile manufacturing company.


