

Automatic Extraction of Common Reusable Partial Structures in 3D CAD Models

  • 摘要: 为了更好地实现CAD模型的重用,提出一种面向CAD模型的自动识别和提取公共可重用局部结构算法.首先将CAD模型用属性化特征邻接图来表示;将公共可重用局部结构的提取转化成频繁子图挖掘问题来解决,通过候选产生、候选剪枝、频繁度计数及后处理等步骤来实现可重用局部结构的提取.实验结果表明,该算法可以实现隐含在外形完全不同的CAD模型中的、不易被发现的局部结构的提取,由于在提取的过程中运用了多种优化算法,因此算法的效率可满足工程应用中的需求.


    Abstract: To reuse CAD models more efficiently,a new method for seeking the common reusable partial structures from a large amount of CAD models is proposed.Firstly,CAD models are represented by the attributed feature adjacent graph(AFAG).Then,the frequent sub-graph mining algorithm is employed to detect the common reusable partial structures.The partial structures are obtained through candidate generation,candidate pruning,frequency counting and post-processing.Experimental results show the effectiveness of this approach for the extraction of the reusable partial structures in the CAD models with different shapes.Besides,its efficiency meets the requirement of engineering application by applying multiple optimization methods in extraction process.


