

Approximated Skeleton Extraction of Planar Shape with Feature Preservation

  • 摘要: 针对多边形骨架抽取中轮廓噪声严重影响骨架的问题, 提出一种保持特征的多边形近似骨架的抽取算法.通过分水岭算法检测平面多边形的特征突起点, 在分支末端点引导骨架的抽取, 从而避免多边形轮廓噪声对骨架的影响, 得到有效的形状简洁的近似骨架.另外, 该方法还适用于半自动的骨架抽取, 即允许用户手动指定骨架末端点, 使计算所得的骨架具有更高的实用性.实验结果表明, 文中方法简单易行, 能应用于计算机动画和形状检索等领域.


    Abstract: Extraction of skeleton of polygonal shape will be seriously affected by the noise on the shape boundaries.To overcome this problem, a novel feature preserving method for extracting approximated skeleton of the planar polygon is presented.First, prominent feature points are detected by the watershed algorithm which is resistant to the shape noise.Then these prominent points are used as leaf nodes to guide the extraction of skeleton from the shape.Therefore, the skeleton can be effectively extracted without redundant branches.Alternatively, the user can also specify the leaf nodes at branch points of the skeleton to obtain a better and more practically useful skeleton.Experimental results show that our method is easy to implement and can be applied to many applications in computer graphics including computer animation and shape retrieval.


