

3D Point Cloud Registration Enhanced by Subgraph Matching and Reinforcement Learning

  • 摘要: 针对低质量三维点云数据配准精度不足、效率低的问题, 提出一种基于子图匹配和强化学习的点云配准方法, 以实现低质量点云的精确、快速配准. 首先, 将三维点云配准转化为一系列离散的刚性变换连续作用结果, 并利用强化学习策略来训练一个端到端的模型以迭代输出刚性变换动作; 然后, 对于模型架构, 采用双流主干网络分别提取源点云与目标点云的局部特征信息, 并设计交叉图注意力模块将源点云图和目标点云图中的相似节点关联起来, 通过使用带选通向量的加权实现图节点的聚合, 以分别获取源点云图与目标点云图的全局特征表示; 最后, 融合源点云图与目标点云图的全局特征, 并基于融合特征预测离散的刚性变换动作. 强化学习策略的引入显著提高了点云配准算法的泛化性, 在加入交叉图注意力模块后, 点云配准的精度及效率也进一步被提升. 在ModelNet40和ScanObjectNN这2个公共基准数据集上与最新的点云配准方法ReAgent进行比较的结果表明, 所提方法能够将旋转误差均方差数值降低至少0.16, 各向同性旋转误差数值也降低至少0.16, 有效提升低质量点云配准的精度.


    Abstract: Aiming at the insufficient accuracy and the low efficiency of 3D point cloud registration, a point cloud registration method based on subgraph matching and reinforcement learning was proposed to achieve the accurate and fast registration of low-quality point cloud. Firstly, the 3D point cloud registration can result from a series of discrete rigid transformation actions, and this work used a reinforcement learning strategy to train an end-to-end model to iteratively predict the rigid transformation actions. Then, for the model architecture, a Siamese backbone was used to extract the local feature information of the source point cloud and the target point cloud, respectively. Similar nodes in the source graph and the target graph were associated through a proposed cross-graph attention module. The aggregation of graph nodes was designed to extract the global features of two graphs, by using the weighted sum with gating vectors. Finally, the global features of the source graph and the target graph were fused, and the discrete rigid transformation action was predicted based on the fused feature. The reinforcement learning strategy significantly improves the generalization of point cloud registration. The cross-graph attention module further improves the accuracy and efficiency of point cloud registration. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-scanned datasets, ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN, demonstrate that compared with the latest point cloud registration method, ReAgent, the proposed method can reduce the mean average error of rotation by at least 0.16 and the isotropic rotation error by at least 0.16, effectively improving the accuracy of registration on low-quality point clouds.


