

Research on Visually Interactive Crack Detection by Intelligent Method Based on Eye-tracking

  • 摘要: 定期检测混凝土表面的缺陷对延长基础设施的使用寿命能够起着重要的安全保障作用. 针对人工检测混凝土效率不高, 计算机视觉方法在复杂场景中易出现误判的问题, 将基于眼动追踪的视觉交互方法引入损伤检测, 提出一种智能裂缝检测方法. 首先利用眼动跟踪技术提取人眼信息, 实现对疑似裂缝特征信息的定位交互; 然后结合训练的深度神经网络模型对疑似裂缝区域进行精细化识别和分割, 实现复杂场景图片下裂缝识别和提取. 通过在桥梁损伤数据集CODEBRIM中的裂缝类集上进行眼动交互定位实验和裂缝识别实验, 定位精度为90.6%, 判别精度为83.1%, 与其他方法相比精度更高, 且定位识别效率和准确率高, 可用于结构健康监测.


    Abstract: Regular inspection of concrete surface defects play an important role in security for extending the service life of infrastructures. An intelligent visual interaction method of detecting crack based on eye tracking was proposed, since that manual inspection on concrete is not efficient and computer vision method is easy to misjudge in complex scenarios. Eye tracking technology was first used to extract human eye information to realize the interactive positioning of suspected crack feature information; the trained deep neural network model was then employed to finely recognize and segment the suspected crack areas, and thus identify and extract cracks in the complex scene pictures. Crack class information from the bridge damage dataset CODEBRIM was used to verify present eye-tracking interactive positioning and crack recognition. It was shown that the present method is 90.6% in positioning accuracy and 83.1% in discriminant accuracy, which are higher than the manual and computer vision method does. Therefore, the proposed method can be used for structural health monitoring.


