

Buckling Optimization of Cylinder Shells with Holes Using Uniform-Design-Based Successive Response Surface Method

  • 摘要: 为了减少优化中原模型的分析次数,提高优化效率,提出一种序列二次响应面近似优化方法.该方法基于均匀设计建立一个由低精度的全局响应面和精度逐渐提高的局部响应面组成的近似模型,其中,全局响应面用于确定初始子区域,而局部响应面获得问题在子区域内的优化解;采用基于归一化优化解相对位置的运动极限新准则更新子区域,通过子区域内样本点的继承和增补构造响应面并求解,重复迭代过程,实现问题的优化求解.最后通过5组典型测试函数和一个工程设计问题的优化求解验证了文中方法的有效性——可以高效率地完成开孔圆柱壳最大屈曲载荷的优化设计,展现出求解高计算成本工程优化问题的良好应用前景.


    Abstract: A successive quadratic response surface approximate optimization method(SRSM) is presented to reduce the iterations of model analysis and to improve the optimization efficiency. Based on uniform design, SRSM creates a quadratic approximate model including a global response surface with low accuracy and some local surfaces with the accuracy being gradually improved during iterations. Global response surface determines the initial sub-region, while local ones are used to obtain the optimal solution in the sub-region. In this program, successive sub-region is firstly updated by a new moving limit criteria obtained from the relative position of normalized optimum. Then the successive response surface constructed by inherited and added samples in the sub-region is iteratively resolved until the optimal design is achieved. Five well-known test functions and one engineering design problem are used to verify the validity of the method. The buckling optimization of cylinder shell with holes is efficiently carried out by SRSM. All results exhibit the potential application of this method for computation-intensive engineering problem.


