Efficient Simulation of Water Puddle
摘要: 水膜是一种自然现象,在相关的动画仿真或图像合成中有着重要作用.文中提出一种平面上水膜的快速仿真方法.首先在平面上进行一个基于粒子的液体仿真;然后提取粒子所代表液体的轮廓,并且离散轮廓所包围的区域;最后在离散化后的区域内求解一个能量最小化问题,以建立水膜的几何模型.实验结果表明,在大小合理的仿真区域,该方法可以实时地动态交互仿真;同时呈现了几个逼真的实验结果.Abstract: In this paper a method is proposed to efficiently simulate water puddle on a plane. At first a particle-based fluid simulator is run on a plane. Then the 2D fluid contour is extracted and its enclosed region is discretized, inside which a minimization problem is solved to build the puddle surface. With reasonable simulation domain the puddle can be animated interactively in real time. Several experimental results demonstrate the realistic results.