Model-Based Irregular Object Localization from a Single View Image
摘要: 单幅图像中物体的定位需要估计物体在3维空间中的位置和姿态,在静态场景中等价于摄像机定标,具有广泛的应用价值.针对具有3维模型,但缺失纹理信息的不规则物体的定位问题,提出一种基于轮廓匹配的定位方法.首先使用基于图像分割的方法提取输入图像中物体轮廓线,然后可以将图像轮廓线与给定位置和姿态参数下渲染3维模型的轮廓线进行匹配,匹配误差可以表示为位置与姿态参数的函数.由于该函数不能解析表达与求解,需要通过离散采样计算导数及目标函数值.位置与姿态参数的最优值可以通过LM(Levenberg-Marquardt)方法进行求解.实验结果表明,该方法可以快速收敛,并具有很高的精确性和鲁棒性.Abstract: Object localization aims to estimate the position and orientation of the object in 3D space. In static scenes, it is equivalent to camera tracking, which has a wide range of applications. In this paper, we propose a contour-based approach to localize texture-less irregular objects with known 3D models. The target object is first extracted from the input image via image segmentation, the contour is then matched with rendered 3D model with given position and orientation parameters. The matching error can be expressed as a function of the position and orientation parameters. Since the function cannot be analytically expressed and solved, we calculate the matching score and derivative by discrete sampling, the optimal score and derivative parameters can be solved efficiently via LM(Levenberg-Marquardt) solver. Experimental results show that this method can converge quickly, and can achieve very high accuracy and robustness.