

Adaptive Pre-Integrated Illumination Algorithm with Minimum Gradient Angle

  • 摘要: 为了增强体绘制的纹理细节与光照效果,提出了一种自适应最小梯度夹角预积分算法.通过采样点的方向导数及空间位置等信息来确定采样光线上的极值点,利用自适应划分算法加强极值点区域的绘制;为了突出物体的真实感、增强纹理细节,引入预积分光照算法,根据最小梯度夹角算法计算预积分采样段的光照颜色值,最后对预积分采样段进行体绘制积分.实验结果表明,相比传统的预积分算法,文中算法针对标量变化较大的区域能够得到较好的绘制效果,并且能够增加局部细节的光照效果.


    Abstract: To enhance volume rendering texture details and optimize the illumination effects, this paper presents a novel approach for adaptive pre-integrated illumination with minimum gradient angle. The extreme points of the sampled light are determined by directional derivative and spatial position. The rendering effect for extreme point region can be enhanced by the adaptive partitioning method. In order to highlight the sense of the object reality and enhance texture details, we introduce pre-integrated illumination algorithm in the paper. The calculation of color value of the pre-integral sampling section is based on minimum gradient angle algorithm. Then we can render the pre-integral sampling part. Experimental results show that, in contrast to the traditional pre-integrated method, our method can get better results where the scalar change greatly, and it can enhance the illumination effect for local details.


