

A Feature-Based Seeding Method for Multi-Level Flow Visualization

  • 摘要: 流线是流场可视化的一种重要的方法,而种子点的选取是生成流线一个关键问题.为此,提出一种新的流线种子点放置算法,将信息熵和临界点有机地结合起来,用信息熵找出流场变化剧烈的区域,然后利用临界点的拓扑结构信息对局部区域的种子点放置做精细控制,从而不仅能够覆盖流场中变化剧烈的区域,而且考虑了流场的拓扑结构特征,可以更加有效地可视化流场中的信息.为了使全局和局部区域的流场都高精度显示,设计了基于图像空间的交互操作,对于流场的全局展示,利用改进的算法放置种子点,在流场的宏观显示上能够尽可能多地绘制出流场信息,对于局部细节根据文中设计的交互形式,只针对用户放大的局部进行高清晰绘制,这样既可以对全局采用适度的流线高清晰显示流场整体情况而无视觉混乱,而放大到局部时又有足够多的流线刻画局部流场的细节特征.实验结果证明了算法的有效性.


    Abstract: Streamline is one of the most important methods for flow visualization and selecting seeds plays a key role for generating streamlines. So we propose an improved algorithm which combines information entropy and critical points. We use information entropy to find the subfields with drastic changes, and then employ critical points to identify the topology features to control the details of the subfields. In this way, not only the areas of dramatic changes in the flow field can be covered, but also the topology features in the field can be captured. In addition, we design a series of interactive operation to display the field distinctly in both the whole field and the subfield. For the whole field, the method we proposed is used to seed which can display as much information of the field as possible macroscopically. For the subfields, based on our interactive design, we place seeds only on the subfields which are selected by users. This method can not only use moderate streamlines to display overall field without visual clutter but also make sure that there are enough streamlines depicting the local details of the field when amplified to a local region. Finally the experimental results show the effectiveness of the algorithm.


