

Robust Shot Boundary Detection and Video Summarization Based on Motion Information

  • 摘要: 根据基于内容的视频索引与检索等应用的需求,提出一种视频摘要生成方法.首先进行鲁棒的镜头边界检测,基于颜色直方图计算相邻帧间距离来进行初步检测,并通过分析帧间运动向量去除由相机运动引起的误检测;然后根据镜头的运动指示图将镜头分为静态镜头、包含对象运动的镜头和包含显著相机运动的镜头;最后提出镜头间基于多实例表示的距离度量方法以及聚类算法的初始化方法,采用核K-均值算法对每类镜头进行聚类,抽取每类中最靠近类簇中心的镜头作为关键镜头,将关键镜头按时间序组合起来形成视频摘要.与已有方法相比,文中方法能进行更鲁棒的镜头边界检测,识别镜头中的运动信息,并对镜头分类后进行分别处理,从而增强视频摘要的信息概括能力.


    Abstract: A novel approach is proposed for video summarization.First,robust shot boundary detection is conducted by evaluating the inter-frame distance based on image color histogram and by removing the false positive based on camera motion analysis;then,each shot is classified as stationary shot,shot with object motion and shot with camera motion by analyzing its motion indicator map;we finally adapt well initialized kernel K-means clustering with a proposed multi-instance distance metric to each class of shots.The video summarization is constructed by extracting the shot nearest to cluster center in each cluster and by integrating them according to their occurring time instance in the original video.Compared with the state-of-art algorithms,our proposed approach can detect shot boundaries with higher accuracy,classify the shots according to motion information,and build more informative video summarization by abstracting each class of shots respectively.


