

Spiral Tool-Path Generation with Constant Scallop Height for High-Speed Machining

  • 摘要: 针对现有轨迹生成方法难以满足高速加工的要求的问题,提出一种等残余高度螺旋轨迹直接生成方法.首先根据首末2条边界曲线的不同连接方式进行分类,对存在的3种连接方式分别设计了不同的初始螺旋轨迹生成方式;然后采用等残余轨迹生成方法偏置初始螺旋轨迹.这种直接生成的螺旋轨迹与传统通过求环形轨迹间的对角曲线生成的螺旋轨迹相比,可更好地保证加工表面的质量,同时也有效地增大了单条路径长度,具有较少的路径转接点.实例分析表明,文中方法能够满足高速加工的要求.


    Abstract: The conventional tool path generation algorithms are difficult to meet the demands of high speed machining.To solve this problem,a direct spiral tool path generation method with constant scallop-height is proposed.According to the different connections of the first and last boundary curves,this method involves three different ways to generate the initial spiral tool-path.Then the contour offset procedure works along the initial spiral tool-path,and the offset distance is determined by the scallop height.Compared with the spiral tool-path generated by determining the diagonal curve between the circuit tool-paths,the tool-path generated by this method can ensure higher level of quality of the surface being machined,and has longer single tool-path with less tool-path sharp corners.The simulation result shows that the method proposed could effectively meet the needs of high-speed machining.


