齐飞, 陈中贵. 基于局部单射的平面形状插值形变[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2016, 28(12): 2060-2066.
引用本文: 齐飞, 陈中贵. 基于局部单射的平面形状插值形变[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2016, 28(12): 2060-2066.
Qi Fei, Chen Zhonggui. Planar Shape Interpolation Based on Local Injective Mapping[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2016, 28(12): 2060-2066.
Citation: Qi Fei, Chen Zhonggui. Planar Shape Interpolation Based on Local Injective Mapping[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2016, 28(12): 2060-2066.


Planar Shape Interpolation Based on Local Injective Mapping

  • 摘要: 在只给出用简单多边形表示的两输入形状的情况下,实现一种简单易用、自然高效的形状插值方法.首先利用基于形状感知的特征匹配算法生成源形状和目标形状之间的匹配;之后在源形状上构造三角剖分,并通过求解映射到目标形状上的尽量刚体的局部单射得到同构三角剖分;最后利用扭曲有界的插值方法得到中间序列.实验结果表明,该方法构造的形变结果能较好地体现源形状和目标形状的特征对应信息,形变过程自然,扭曲较小.


    Abstract: This paper presents an efficient and easy-to-use planar shape interpolation method, given two input shapes represented by simple polygons. We firstly used a perception-based feature matching algorithm to match the feature points in the source shape with the target shape, then built compatible triangulations by constructing a locally injective mapping between the source and target shapes. Finally, an interpolation method with bounded distortion was adopted to get intermediate frames. Experimental results show that the interpolation results by our method can well reflect the feature correspondences between the source and the target shapes, and the resultant deformation is visually pleasing with less distortion.


