

Perceptually Driven Color Ordering for Palette Design

  • 摘要: 针对可视化设计中调色板选择所涉及的大量视觉比较操作, 提出一种符合感知的调色板色彩排序方法以提升色彩设计效率. 该方法首先建立了由全局有序性以及视觉连贯性约束因子组成的色彩排序能量优化方程, 并通过粒子群算法对其求解以获得感知一致的色彩排序. 在此基础上, 开发了一个基于感知一致色彩排序的调色板设计系统, 该系统可支持调色板选取、调色板全局探索、基于样例的调色板检索等功能. 为评估该方法有效性, 利用定量度量以及用户实验探索了该方法在感知一致性以及调色板比较任务上的表现. 实验表明, 该方法可生成符合感知的调色板色彩排序结果, 能有效促进调色板相似性比较的准确性以及效率.


    Abstract: Color palette design plays a significant role in visualization for data understanding. To design and select an appropriate color palette, users need to visually compare various color palettes. However, the difficulty of the visual comparison among palettes becomes extremely severe with an increasing number of color palettes and colors. Existing research in color perception reveals that color palette with well-ordered colors can improve the efficiency of visual comparison. Inspired from this finding, we propose an automatic color palette ordering method for color palette design. Specifically, we propose a color ordering optimization equation under the constraints of global order and visual continuity between colors. Based on the color ordering approach, we develop a color design system, which enables efficient color palette selection, global color palette exploration and color palette retrieval. We conduct quantitative experiments and user studies to evaluate the perceptual consistency of our method and its advantages in the palette comparison task.


