李姗姗, 耿国华, 周明全, 李姬俊男. 基于表面邻接约束的交互式文物碎片重组[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2016, 28(6): 924-931.
引用本文: 李姗姗, 耿国华, 周明全, 李姬俊男. 基于表面邻接约束的交互式文物碎片重组[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2016, 28(6): 924-931.
Li Shanshan, Geng Guohua, Zhou Mingquan, Li Jijunnan. Interactive Reassembly of Fractured Fragments Based on Surface Adjacency Constraint[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2016, 28(6): 924-931.
Citation: Li Shanshan, Geng Guohua, Zhou Mingquan, Li Jijunnan. Interactive Reassembly of Fractured Fragments Based on Surface Adjacency Constraint[J]. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2016, 28(6): 924-931.


Interactive Reassembly of Fractured Fragments Based on Surface Adjacency Constraint

  • 摘要: 为了有效地解决文物虚拟复原中因断裂部位表面受损严重而造成的几何特征缺失,导致已有的模型重组方法失效的问题,提出一种基于文物模型表面纹饰几何特征的交互式破损文物重组方法.首先通过生成显示脊线得到碎片表面纹饰的几何结构和主动轮廓线;然后领域专家根据几何纹饰的连贯性确定待拼合碎片的邻接关系,并给出初始位置及碎片的表面邻接约束,采用区域生长方法确定表面邻接约束点的最终位置;再以表面邻接约束点为中心获取初始匹配点集,并采用线段约束筛选出待拼合碎片间的最优匹配点对集;最后采用基于穷举搜索的形状匹配方法计算刚体变换,实现碎片拼合.实验结果表明,该方法能够实现复杂碎片的准确拼合.


    Abstract: Based on the geometric features of models’ surface decoration, this paper presents a new interactive approach to assemble the fractured fragments. The fractured surfaces of these fragments have been severely damaged, which leads to great challenges to previous methods. First, the geometric structure of models’ surfaces is obtained by generating apparent ridges. Then, according to the continuity of geometric structure of models’ surface decoration, user can determine the adjacency relationship of the fragments and define the surface adjacency constraints. A region growing strategy is employed to find the correct location of surface adjacency constraint point, then the initial matching points are obtained at the center of this point. After that, the optimal matching points are selected by the line segment constraint. In order to complete the registration of matching models, a shape matching method is proposed to calculate the rigid motion. We present some successful uses of our framework on some fragments of the terracotta warriors.


