Importance Driven Medial Axis
摘要: 现有的中轴变换理论假定边界上各点具有同等的重要性,因而边界拓扑的微小改变将会产生一个完全不同的中轴骨架.针对该问题,提出重要性驱动的中轴线理论及相应的生成算法,进一步完善了传统的中轴线理论.首先对原始物体的边界进行稠密采样,根据问题的特点设置每个采样点的权重;然后计算带权重的采样点集的Power图,剔除落在边界外部的部分,得到初始的中轴线;最后对初始中轴进行剪枝,消除毛刺,最终生成稳定的中轴线.在医学图像处理和形状聚类中的应用,展示了重要性驱动的中轴线的有用性Abstract: The existing axis transformation algorithms assume that all the points on the boundary have equal importance, and thus a small change of the boundary topology is likely to produce a totally different medial axis skeleton. Therefore, an importance driven axis theory, as well as an effective generation algorithm, is proposed to extend the traditional axis theory. First, we densely sample the boundary of the given shape and set a weight for each sampling point according to the problem requirements. Then we compute the power diagram with regard to the weighted sampling points, and obtain an initial axis by cutting off the portion outside of the boundary. Finally, an extra pruning operation is required to remove those unimportant branches. Applications in medical image processing and shape clustering exhibit usefulness of the importance driven medial axis.