

A Unified Anti-aliasing Method for Deferred Shading

  • 摘要: 近年来,面向延迟着色的后期处理反走样算法成为实时绘制研究和应用的热点,针对该算法往往只能处理单一类型的走样的问题,提出一种统一的后期处理反走样算法.该算法既能通过子像素级别的几何对几何边界进行高质量的反走样重建,又能根据着色信息对颜色纹理的走样进行形态学的反走样处理;由于使用2种屏幕空间反走样算法分类处理屏幕像素会导致2类像素之间过渡不平滑,在屏幕空间滤波的基础上使用重投影的反走样方法,能克服动态场景中可能出现的闪烁问题.实验结果表明,文中算法在延时绘制的框架下能较好地处理几何边界走样、纹理边缘走样和时间域走样等多种类型的走样,高效地获得高质量反走样绘制结果.


    Abstract: Post-processing anti-aliasing algorithm for deferred shading has been widely studied and used in recent years. The existing algorithms were designed for one unique type of aliasing. In this paper, we propose a unified method to deal with various anti-aliasing in a post-processing way. It can achieve high-quality geometric feature anti-aliasing with sub-pixel-level geometric information, as well as texture anti-aliasing using a morphological algorithm and the shading information. Since combining the two type of anti-aliasing algorithms would lead to unsmooth transition between screen pixels, a reprojection anti-aliasing algorithm is accompanied with the screen space anti-aliasing filter. In this way, the temporal aliasing, appearing as flickering phenomenon in animated scenes, can be largely alleviated. The implementation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can process geometric edge aliasing, texture edge aliasing and temporal aliasing in real-time.


