

Restoration of Fragmentary 3D Models Using Existing Models

  • 摘要: 针对通过扫描得到的三维模型经常不完整的问题,提出一种利用现有模型修复不完整扫描模型的方法.首先构建三维源模型库,将现有模型经过选取特征点等处理作为模型库中的源模型;然后选取待修复模型的特征点,通过比较源模型特征点和待修复模型特征点的一致程度,选择出合适的源模型;最后,通过匹配、变形、合并等步骤自动修复不完整模型,得到完整的三维扫描模型.实验结果表明,该方法能很好地修复不完整模型,得到的修复结果是既包含待修复模型的所有组成部分,又对其残缺部分进行合理修复的完整三维模型.


    Abstract: A new approach is proposed in this paper to restore fragmentary scanning models by using existing 3D models. Firstly, a 3D model repository of source models is constructed. These source models are derived from existing 3D models, i.e., source models are existing models with selected feature points. Then feature points of the fragmentary model are selected. Correspondences between these feature points and the feature points of the source models are employed to determine one proper source model. Finally, the selected source model is utilized to restore the fragmentary model automatically by means of matching, transformation and amalgamation. Experimental results demonstrate that this method well restores fragmentary 3D models, and the intact 3D models comprise all parts of the original fragmentary models and some other parts as substitutes for the vacancy of the fragmentary models.


