

Planar Object Tracking Based on Fast Corner Shift

  • 摘要: 为了解决基于区域的平面物体跟踪方法容易陷入局部最优的问题, 提出了一种基于快速顶点漂移的平面物体跟踪方法. 首先, 构造包含不同尺度下的图像和物体区域采样点集合的金字塔结构; 其次, 在不同尺度下使用快速顶点漂移方法, 利用全局的相似性度量函数迭代求解最优的顶点偏移, 进而得到跟踪结果. 在平面物体跟踪数据集POT上的实验结果表明, 该方法不同场景下平均跟踪准确率可达49.65%. 平均高出其他参与测试的基于区域的方法31.87%, 平均每帧跟踪时间为0.12 s


    Abstract: A planar object tracking approach based on fast corner shift is proposed to solve the problem that region-based planar tracking approaches are easy to fall into local optimum. First, a pyramid containing images and sets of sample points in the object region is constructed at different scales. Then, the fast corner shift approach is implemented at different scales to obtain tracking results, in which a global similarity metric function is used to obtain optimal corner offset iteratively. The experimental results on the planar object tracking dataset POT show that the average tracking accuracy of this approach can reach 49.65% for different scenarios, which is 31.87% higher than other region-based approaches tested on average. The average tracking time is 0.12 s per frame.


