

Survey on Multipurpose Digital Image Watermarking

  • 摘要: 数字图像多功能水印技术通过将多种类型的水印嵌入到同一图像, 以实现2种及以上的图像保护功能(版权保护、内容认证、篡改恢复等). 当前, 数字图像多功能水印算法仍面临着性能和应用场景等方面的挑战. 为促进图像多功能水印的进一步发展, 首先系统地梳理了数字图像水印技术, 包括其系统特性, 常见分类, 关键技术与成果, 以及其可实现的功能与应用场景; 在此基础上, 对近10年来不同类别的多功能水印嵌入模型(融合水印嵌入、零水印嵌入、水印串行嵌入、水印并行嵌入)的相关工作进行归纳与分析; 最后, 总结了当前数字图像多功能水印技术的不足, 展望了后续研究与发展趋势. 综合分析发现, 多水印的嵌入难免对水印综合性能造成损失, 且多功能水印在真实应用场景中的效果仍待改善. 人工智能等新技术在数字图像多功能水印中的应用有望提升算法性能.


    Abstract: Multipurpose image watermarking aims to provide two or more image protection functionalities by embedding various types of watermarks into the same image, including capabilities of copyright protection, content authentication, and tampered recovery. But it still faces challenges in terms of performance and application scenarios nowadays. To promote the study of multipurpose image watermarking, this paper reviews digital image watermarking first, covering its system characteristics, classifications, key technologies, achievable functions, and application scenarios. Furthermore, multipurpose image watermarking methods developed in the past decade are compared and analyzed in terms of fusion-watermark embedding, zero-watermark embedding, serial-watermark embedding, and parallel-watermark embedding. Finally, the future research prospects and development trends are discussed. It is important to note that embedding multiple watermarks results in performance losses in most cases, and further improvements are needed to enhance its effectiveness in real-world application scenarios. Leveraging artificial intelligence techniques in image multipurpose watermarking holds the promising potential to enhance performance.


