

Inter-Reflection Compensation of Projection Display in a Concave Non-Lambertian Environment

  • 摘要: 互反射是在包围环境中投影显示的一个关键问题,会造成显示中的不均匀辐照以及色彩偏差.针对绝大多数投影表面材料是非朗伯面,使得在包围环境中的互反射情况更为复杂的问题,在深入分析非郎伯表面之间互反射的基础上,提出一套针对非朗伯包围环境中互反射的投影显示补偿方法.首先建立一个非漫射互反射模型来详细描述非朗伯环境中的光线传输,并使用非负线性最小二乘方法来优化每一个像素点的输入值,使得最终显示图像与预期显示图像最接近,从而消除互反射的干扰;然后提出反射参数估计方法来确定非漫射互反射模型中的参数,使用对不同图像在平面、曲面包围式投影幕上进行互反射补偿显示实验的结果表明,该方法能有效地消除非朗伯环境中的互反射影响.


    Abstract: Inter-reflection is a common phenomenon in projection display in concave environments, which may cause non-uniform radiance and color deviation. Since the materials of most natural projection surface are non-Lambertian, the inter-reflection problem is more complex than Lambertian surfaces. In this paper, an inter-reflection compensation method for projection display in concave non-Lambertian environments is proposed, base on the analysis of inter-reflections among non-Lambertian surfaces. Firstly, an inter-reflection model is built to describe physical light transport in a concave non-Lambertian environment. Secondly, a non-negative least squares method is applied to optimize the input value of pixels to make the final result closer to the desired displayed images, and then the impact of inter-reflection can be reduced. Thirdly, a reflection parameter estimation method is proposed to estimate the value of parameters in the inter-reflection model, then applied to a folding screen and a dome. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively reduce the impact of inter-reflections in concave environments.


