

Simulation Method for Marine Oil Leakage Dispersion Based on FCE-SPH

  • 摘要: 针对现有的海面原油泄漏模拟方法无法呈现符合物理过程的溢油风化扩散效果及模拟速度过慢问题, 首先给出一种不混溶Cahn-Hilliard两相流乳化光滑粒子流体动力学扩散模拟方法FCE-SPH, 结合脉动风场描述海上溢油的混合和乳化分解过程; 然后设计一个两相流物理感知深度强化学习偏置图注意力网络OTF-DRL, 以加速流体模拟仿真, 通过异构偏置图注意力模块, 增强网络获取粒子特征的表达能力. 在不同的工况条件下, 分别对原油在海上泄漏扩散物理过程和油品风化过程进行分析, 实验结果表明, 所提方法可以真实反映海上溢油扩散现象, OTF-DRL模拟计算时间缩短49.63%.


    Abstract: Aiming at the existing simulation methods of oil leakage on the sea cannot reflect the weathering and diffusion effect with the physical process and the simulation speed is too slow, a simulation method of oil leakage on the sea based on FCE-SPH was proposed. Firstly, an immiscible Cahn-Hilliard two-phase flow emulsified smooth particle hydrodynamics diffusion simulation method FCE-SPH is proposed to describe the mixing and emulsification decomposition process of sea oil spills by combining the fluctuating wind field. Secondly, an offset-attention based two-phase flow physical-aware graph attention network deep reinforcement learning network OTF-DRL is designed to accelerate fluid simulation. The offset heterogeneous graph attention module is used to enhance the represent ability of the network to obtain particle feature information. Under different working conditions, the physical process of crude oil leakage and diffusion and the oil weathering process are analyzed. The experimental results show that the proposed method can simulate the offshore oil spill diffusion effectively.


