Contour Information Entropy Based Low-Poly Building Model Reconstruction Algorithm
摘要: 通过测绘遥感技术获取的建筑模型通常包含大量冗余信息, 难以直接应用于大规模场景渲染软件. 为了从稠密建筑模型生成低面片数的建筑模型, 使用轮廓线图像的信息熵衡量轮廓线的复杂度与差异度, 提出一种基于信息熵的轮廓线建筑低模重建算法. 首先提出一种定义轮廓线复杂度的衡量指标, 并基于该指标选择出建筑结构突变处的轮廓线; 其次给出衡量轮廓线的差异度的方法, 并有效地挑选出重建所需的轮廓线; 最后对于挑选出的轮廓线, 使用后处理算法剔除受噪声影响大的和冗余的轮廓线. 在赫尔辛基数据集上的实验结果表明, 所提算法得到的建筑低模在保留更多建筑特征的同时, 显著地降低了低模重建所需的轮廓线和模型面片数量.Abstract: Due to the fact that building models acquired through photogrammerty and remote sensing typically contain a large amount of redundant information, making them difficult to directly apply in large-scale scene rendering software. To reconstruct low-poly building models from dense building models, this paper proposes a contour-based low-poly building model reconstruction algorithm using information entropy. Initially, a metric for evaluating contour complexity is introduced, which is used to select contours at structural changes in the building model. Subsequently, a method for assessing contour discrepancy is presented, enabling the effective selection of necessary contours for reconstruction. Finally, post-processing algorithm is applied to the selected contours to remove those significantly affected by noise and redundancy. Experimental results on the Helsinki dataset demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the number of contours and polygonal faces required for reconstruction while preserving more architectural features in the low-poly building models.