

Efficient Boolean Operation for B-Rep Models

  • 摘要: 布尔运算是三维建模中一项基础操作, 其技术水平对建模的鲁棒性、效率有着重要的影响. 针对目前公开的B-Rep模型的布尔运算研究中难以兼顾鲁棒性和效率的问题, 提出一种高效的B-Rep模型的布尔运算算法. 首先采用层次化包围盒干涉检查、面分组和交线局部信息判断等方法, 极大地减少几何求交的次数; 然后引入构建交线图、多次成环等技术提高了算法的稳定性. 基于实际三维CAD模型, 与几何建模引擎Parasolid, ACIS和OCCT进行对比实验的结果表明, 与OCCT的布尔运算相比, 所提算法在效率上具有一定优势; 与Parasolid和ACIS的布尔运算相比, 该算法在一些场景下的效率相当, 为B-Rep模型的布尔运算提供了一种有效的解决方案.


    Abstract: Boolean operations are fundamental in 3D modeling, as their performance significantly impacts the robustness and efficiency of the modeling process. Current research on Boolean operations for B-Rep models often struggles to achieve a balance between robustness and efficiency. This paper introduces an efficient algorithm for B-Rep Boolean operations. The algorithm leverages a Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH), face clustering, and local information near intersection edges to reduce the number of geometric intersection calculations. Additionally, techniques such as intersection graph construction and progressive imprinting are employed to enhance the algorithm's stability. Experimental evaluations using CAD models from real-world scenarios demonstrate that the proposed algorithm offers significant efficiency improvements over OCCT's Boolean operations and achieves performance comparable to that of Parasolid and ACIS in specific scenarios. These results underscore the proposed algorithm as a highly effective solution for Boolean operations on B-Rep models.


