

Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Multi-Path Feature Calibration

  • 摘要: 针对现有轻量级图像超分辨率重建算法在表征特征丰富度及准确性方面存在的局限性问题, 提出一种基于多路特征校准的轻量级图像超分辨率重建算法. 首先在深层特征提取前构建多感受野特征提取块, 并在通道和空间维度上协同特征校准以增强网络对整体结构的全局理解, 实现多尺度全局到局部的特征提取; 然后提出一种多路特征校准块, 从多路不同分支提取不同颗粒度的特征信息, 以获得更全面和信息丰富的图像特征, 增强网络的表征能力; 最后从多尺度空间和通道维度建模上下文依赖关系, 构建基于多路特征校准的轻量级图像超分辨率重建网络, 充分挖掘图像的空间信息和通道特征, 分别设计多感受野空间注意力和通道校准注意力. 大量实验结果表明, 所提算法在参数和性能之间取得了高度平衡, 尤其是对于结构复杂和纹理细节丰富的图像的重建效果更好; 在纹理复杂的Urban100数据集上, 与对比的轻量化方法相比, 该算法在PSNR指标上均至少提升超过0.1 dB.


    Abstract: Aiming to solving the limitations of existing lightweight image super-resolution reconstruction algorithms in terms of feature richness and accuracy, proposes a lightweight image super-resolution reconstruction algorithm based on multi-path feature calibration. To achieve multi-scale global to local feature extraction, multi-field feature extraction blocks are first constructed before deep feature extraction, and feature calibration is coordinated in channel and spatial dimension to enhance the global understanding of the network’s overall structure. Then, to obtain more comprehensive and information-rich image features and enhance the representation ability of the network, a multi-channel feature calibration module is proposed, which can extract the feature information of different granularity from different branches of the multiple channels. Finally, a lightweight image super-resolution reconstruction network based on multi-path feature calibration is constructed by modelling the contextual dependencies from the multi-scale space and channel dimensions to fully exploit the spatial information and channel features of the image, and to design the multi-field spatial attention and the channel calibration attention, respectively. Large numbers of experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves a high balance between parameters and performance, especially for images with complex structures and rich texture details. Especially on the Urban100 dataset with complex texture, the proposed algorithm improves the PSNR index by at least 0.1 dB compared with the compared lightweight methods.


