3D Face Generation Method Based on Local Feature Projection of Spherical Harmonic
摘要: 针对三维人脸生成任务中不能精确地控制局部属性生成的问题, 提出球谐函数局部特征投影的三维人脸生成方法. 首先将三维人脸划分为多个属性, 每个属性对应多个潜变量; 然后将每个属性映射到单位球面, 使用球谐函数对球面上的形状属性进行特征投影; 最后定义一种特征投影损失, 并将其分别应用于3D-VAE的编码器和解码器, 通过度量投影特征和潜变量的差异, 学习具有高解耦性、高可解释性的局部特征潜在表示. 在UHM数据集上与几种主流方法进行对比实验, 结果表明, 所提方法的局部特征解耦效果是最优的; 该方法的训练时间最少, 与SD-VAE和SD-VQVAE方法相比, 分别减少约37%和54%.Abstract: To address the challenge of accurately controlling local features in the 3D face generation task, a 3D face generation method with local feature projection of spherical harmonics is proposed. The method first decomposes the 3D face into several attributes, each corresponding to different latent variables. Then, each attribute is mapped onto a unit sphere, and the feature projection is performed on the shape attributes using the spherical harmonic function. Finally, the feature projection loss is defined and applied to the encoder and decoder of 3D-VAE to learn local latent feature representations with high disentanglement and high interpretability by measuring the differences between the projected features and the latent variables. Comparison experiments are conducted with several mainstream methods on the UHM dataset, and the results of the VP metrics show that the local feature disentanglement effect of the proposed method is optimal among all the methods; moreover, the training time of the proposed method is the smallest among all the methods, which is reduced by about 37% and 54% compared to the SD-VAE and SD-VQVAE methods, respectively.