

Blending Extension of Non-adjacent Cubic Bézier Curves and Surfaces

  • 摘要: 在保持G2连续的条件下, 提出一种三次Bézier曲线曲面间形状可调的混合延拓方法. 首先设计3条辅助延拓曲线, 其中, 第1条与2条待延拓曲线在连接处均满足G1连续, 另外2条分别与待延拓曲线中的一条在连接处满足G2连续、另一条在连接处满足G0连续; 然后借助势函数将3条辅助延拓曲线进行混合, 生成含形状调整参数的延拓曲线; 最后根据待延拓曲线的几何特征确定形状参数的赋值方案, 获得最终的延拓曲线. 此外, 将曲线混合延拓方法推广至曲面, 解决了2张不相邻的双三次Bézier曲面间的延拓问题. 对具有不同几何特征的待延拓曲线曲面进行数值实验的结果表明, 所提方法构造的延拓曲线曲面均具备良好的光顺性.


    Abstract: A method for constructing G2 continuous and shape adjustable extension curves and surfaces between two cubic Bézier curves and surfaces is proposed. Firstly, three auxiliary extension curves are designed. Among which the first one meets G1 continuity at the connection with the two curves to be extended, and the other two meet G2 continuity at the connection with one curve to be extended, and G0 continuity at the connection with the other curve to be extended. Then, the three auxiliary curves are combined by the potential function to generate the extension curve with shape parameters. Finally, the assignment scheme of shape parameters is determined according to the geometric characteristics of the curve to be extended, and the final extension curve is obtained. The curve construction method is extended to surface, and the connection between two non-adjacent bi-cubic Bézier surfaces is solved. The results of numerical experiments on the curves and surfaces with different geometric features show that the extended curves and surfaces constructed by the proposed method have good smoothness.


